Jun 26th, at the invitation of IRSM, Professor Benoit Noetinger, the Director of Geosciences Division of IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN), delivered an academic report with the title An original discrete fracture network mesh approach and their different applications using open source software. The meeing was host by research assistant LI Xiayin.
Professor Benoit Noetinger has been working on petroleum engineering, reservoir management, simulation and calculation. In this report, he mainly described a new grid method for material transfer in fracture media. Because the main problem with analog material transfer in fractured medium is from the complex geometric shapes of discrete fracture network, in order to obtain accurate flow and transfer model, Professor Benoit Noetinger introduced the process of grid division in detail and verified the flow model, material transfer model and logging model. After the report, research assistant LI Xiayin led Professor Benoit Noeting visiting laboratories about CO2 exploitation and energy storage, also emphatically introduced the platform construction and innovation of SKLGME. The visit and report of Professor Benoit Noetinger broadened the vision, also provided new ideas in relevant research fields.