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Researcher XUE Ziqiu and LEI Xinglin Visits IRSM
2017-04-28                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

From March 23rd to 25th, at the invitation of IRSM, chief researcher XUE Ziqiu and JIANG Lanlan, which are from Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), and chief researcher LEI Xinglin, which is from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), visited IRSM.

During the academic exchanges, researcher XUE Ziqiu delivered reports with the title Application of Fiber Optic Distributed Strain Measurement at the Fluid Injection and Extraction Field Tests and Micro-bubble Carbon Dioxide Injection for Enhanced Dissolution in Geological Sequestration and Improved Oil Recovery. Reports introduced RITE's the latest research progress on fiber optic  monitoring technology and micro-bubble technology. Researcher LEI Xinglin delivered an academic report with the title Geomechanical modeling for rock deformation and seismicity induced by fluid injection, it introduced RITE's latest research progress on fiber optic monitoring technology and bubbles technology in CCS field. Researcher LEI Xinglin delivered an academic report with the title Geomechanical modelling for rock deformation and seismicity induced by fluid injection, it introduced the research of geomechanical modeling for rock deformation and seismicity induced by fluid injection, the status quo of earthquake that induced by shale gas hydraulic pressure, and the feelings about field investigation of 4.9 earthquake in 2017 New Year. Researcher LI Qi in CCS group presided at the report, participants exchanged ideas  for fiber optic distributed monitoring technology and the progress of bubble with researcher XUE Ziqiu, also had a discussion about Geomechanical modeling that THMC coupling as the core technology with researcher LEI Xinglin.

After the meeting, XUE Qiang, deputy director of IRSM, had an in-depth exchange of views on energy geologic environment and waste disposal with three researchers. Also the visitors were invited to visit the relevant laboratories for landfill and CCS in IRSM.

Researchers introduced the Japanese new technology and new progress in the field CCS, it widens the vision and solves the problems in the research, promotes the international perspective and research level, further mutual cooperation between China and Japan in CCS field.

Researcher XUE Ziqiu has engaged in CCS research for many years, is an internationally renowned experts in the field. During the study period, he published 124 academic theses, had five Japan patents and one international patent, achieved the best paper award of Japan exploration association. Also he was the minister of Japan CCS technology Association, director of Japan-US cooperation project, and the guest professor of international carbon neutral energy research institute in Kyushu University.

Researcher LEI Xinglin is a famous expert in the field of rock mechanics experiment and application technology, acoustic emission and earthquake data statistical analysis and seismic dynamic numerical simulation. He mainly engages in seismology, CCS, geothermal resource utilization and other multidisciplinary fields, publishes more than 70 papers, has an international influence in seismology and rock mechanics.

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