On Mar. 16th, at the invitation of IRSM and SKLGME, Director-General of Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ, Chief Editor of Environmental Earth Science (EES), Professor Olafkolditz visits IRSM, and delivered an academic report with the title Scientific Publishing - An Introduction and Recommendations. The seminar is hosted by researcher LI Qi from IRSM.
This seminar focuses on the graduates. Professor Kolditz discusses general procedure of processing manuscript of international SCI in nearly 2 hours, introduces how to write research paper in German way in detail. Also he shares his views in several aspects, such as the selection of SCI contribution, the strategy of paper modify, influence factor and H factor. It provides valuable experience for effective, scientific thesis writing.
UFZ Project expert Dr. CHEN Cui, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering editorial staffs are also involved in the conversation. After the meeting, researcher LI Haibo, researcher SHENG Qian, and researcher JIAO Yuyong meet Professor Kolditz respectively. This academic communication further strengthens the intention of exchanges and cooperation between UFZ and IRSM. Professor Kolditz invites researcher LI Qi to join DECOVALEX-THMC international research projects.