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Dr. HU Qinhong from UTA Delivering Academic Report in IRSM
2014-06-27                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

At the invitation of researcher LIU Jishan from IRSM, Dr. HU Qinhong from UTA visits SKLGME and delivers an academic report with the title Fractured Rock Mass Interaction and Shale Gas Exploitation.

Dr. HU introduces that the main challenges of shale gas exploitation are high cost of new drilling well and rapid reduction of production rate, the general recovery factor of natural gas and oil in shale is 12-30% and 5-10%. He then illustrates the research method of his experiment team after the introduction. The team combines experiment and percolation theory to study the effect of fractured rock mass in Barnett shale to natural gas collection. The research result shows that the bad nanometer pore connectivity in Barnett shale leads to the rapid reduction of oil and gas production rate. Dr. HU has further discussion with present students after his report.


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