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Surveying and Mapping Qualification Upgrading of IRSM Passing Field Survey of HBSCHJ
2014-05-09                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

Investigation group from Hubei Bureau of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation visit IRSM to have field survey of surveying and mapping qualification upgrading. Experts check surveying and mapping programs, equipments, qualification and certificates of related technicians, quality management and archives management.

IRSM starts surveying and mapping qualification upgrading from the end of 2012. According to the requests of Surveying and Mapping Qualification Management Regulation, and Surveying and Mapping Qualification Grading Standard, IRSM has internal rectifying and reforming, and hardware promotion in one year. After passing quality program acceptance check of management department and quality monitoring department, IRSM submit application materials in March 2014.

After material review, laboratory equipment inspection, the investigation group affirm achievements in surveying and mapping of IRSM. Investigation experts believe that IRSM meets the demands of qualification upgrading, they put forward specific suggestions to the application work of IRSM, and agree to submit application materials to State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping.

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