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IRSM Cooperating with Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group in Technology
2013-11-17                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

At the invitation of Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group (SCCIG), Vice Director SHENG Qian and other 7 researchers from IRSM have a visit to SCCIG on Nov 22th. SCCIG and IRSM have a deep technology communication and discussion on safe mining of coal mine and coal bed gas.

Vice general manager SHANG Jianxuan of SCCIG expresses warm welcome to researchers from IRSM, he expects that the communication could bring practical achievements. Presideent MIN Xiaojian of Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Technology Institute (SCCTI) hopes to strengthen technology cooperation with IRSM step by step.

SHENG Qian expects that with the technology cooperation, the scientific research achievements and technology advantages could be used in practical production of SCCIG.In the discussion, researchers from IRSM introduces the scientific research progress of IRSM, members of SCCIG present problems and technology needs in practical production. Mining companies of SCCIG show great interest in equipments and technology of IRSM, they hope that with the cooperation of both sides, more scientific research achievements could be used in practical production to create more economic and social benefits.




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