On September 17, experts from Repair and Purchase Project Office of CAS check the equipment purchase project of IRSM. Experts and leaders of repair and purchase group of IRSM are present at the meeting.
SHEN Mengzhi from Repair and Purchase Project Office introduces members of experts group, standards and specific requests of project acceptance. Deputy Director KONG Lingwei from Repair and Purchase Project Leader Group welcomes experts to check work in IRSM, KONG also makes a brief introduction of 2012 repair and purchase project management and implementation.
On the acceptance meeting, JIAO Yuyong makes a project management working report, researcher CHEN Shanxiong makes a project acceptance working report on In Situ Test System of Geotechnical Physical Mechanics Properties. Afterwards, expert group carefully examines project financing management, equipment purchase and equipment technology acceptance. The experts group fully confirms the project management and implementation, they come to an agreement that the working group has carefully performed their duties, the project management and implementation is outstanding. The experts group agrees on the acceptance then.
IRSM gets 2 equipment purchase projects from Ministry of Finance of China in 2012, which are In Situ Test System of Geotechnical Physical Mechanics Properties and Site Drilling Monitoring System of Rock Mass Deformation Characteristics. The 2 projects win fund of 9.6 million yuan in total.