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Project of Research on Safety Assessment and Early Warning of Shallow Underground Project Passed Appraisal
2013-04-25                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

On April 3, the  project of research on Safety Assessment and Early Warning Technology of Overlying Strata and Building in Shallow Underground Project passes science and technology achievement appraisal. The project is directed by IRSM. The appraisal is organized by Science and Technology Department of Hubei Province, and the appraisal committee consists of 9 experts including Professor ZHAN Jianhui from Hubei Communication Plan and Design Institute.

The research project focuses on the large scale city underground projects in our country, especially the safety problems of overlying strata and building in shallow underground projects. The research takes multiple factors into consideration in developing new safety assessment method of buildings. It summarizes systematic and standardized monitoring management system; and provides technology supports to the controllability, refinement, standardization and informatization in city underground project construction.

The research achievements are successfully applied in several major engineering projects, including JC2JC3 section of Success Avenue in Xiamen; I stage subway project in Shenzhen, and Three-Gorge Project. Researchers are now working on the commercialization of comprehensive monitoring information management and early-warning system software for underground project. More risk identification, evaluation and management functions will be added in the software to be applied to subway construction.

After listening to the research report of the project, experts from the appraisal committee come to an agreement after discussion. They believe that the three flaps sliding deformeter, and the three-dimensional collinear measuring loop for borehole incline and axial deformation measurement  have reached international advanced standard.


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