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Dr. CHEN Gang from Florida State University Visiting IRSM
2016-08-26                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

Aug 8th, at the invitation of IRSM and SKLGME, Dr. CHEN Gang which is from Florida State University visits IRSM, and delivers an academic report. Report is hosted by Researcher XUE Qiang.

The title of the report is Contact Angle, Wetting Films and Bacterial and Clloid Transport. The report introduces the latest research results of polluting condition risk assessment and pollutant-soil interface microscopic mechanism of typical nuclear pollution sites in America, and has a discussion with the participant researchers and students for the latest testing techniques and methods for this field. Dr. CHEN's reports expands participants' horizons, enriches their relevant professional knowledge, his rich experience in scientific research brings them many inspirations and thoughts. After the report, he visits the relevant laboratory.

Dr. CHEN Gang, current associate professor for department of civil and environmental engineering (tenure) in Florida State University, registered professional engineers in Florida. He received his doctorate from the University of Oklahoma, did his postdoctoral research at Washington State University from 2002 to 2005, worked as the assistant professor in the Florida State University of department of civil and environmental engineering from 2005 to 2011. After that he has been an associate professor until now. Dr. CHEN Gang mainly engages in landfill leachate disposal and solute transport macro characteristics, microbial ecological restoration and environmental pollutants-microscopic mechanism research. He has been published more than 60 high quality papers in Environmental Science & Technology, Colloid Surface B. and SCI journals, at the same time he is the reviewer for more than 20 international journals.

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