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IRSM Passing 2013 Repair and Purchase Project Check and Acceptance
2015-02-02                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

As entrusted by Bureau of Facility Support and Budget of CAS, experts organized by Shanghai Regional Center of Material and Manufacturing Instrument of CAS (SRCMMI) check and accept 2013 repair and purchase project of IRSM. Experts and team members of repair and purchase project are present at the check and acceptance meeting.

JI Hong from SRCMMI introduces expert team members and standards of project acceptance. Deputy director SHENG Qian from IRSM has a brief introduction to management and implementation of 2013 repair and purchase project.

As the team leader of 2013 repair and purchase project, JIAO Yuyong makes a report of project management, researchers deliver project acceptance reports including Comprehensive in-situ Test System of Deep Rock Mass Deformation and Fracture Mechanism, Damage Detection System of Unsaturated Soil Static and Dynamic Property and Structure, and Numerical Simulation System of Rock and Soil Mass Response and Failure Law. After checking documents of special fund management, instrument purchase and instrument technology acceptance, experts agree to accept 2013 repair and purchase project. 3 special projects of 2013 repair and purchase project of IRSM is supported with 133.4 million yuan in total.


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Xiaohongshan, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071, P. R. China
E-mail: irsm@whrsm.ac.cn