On Jan 19 and 20, the academic seminar of Slope Engineering Geological Disaster Research Centre is held in Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics (IRSM). Deputy Director SHENG Qian from IRSM; Deputy Director ZHENG Hong from State Key Laboratory; researcher WANG Shuilin, REN Weizhong, ZHANG Yujun and heads of other departments are all present at the seminar. The seminar is hosted by director ZHENG Hong.
Director ZHENG Hong gives a brief introduction about Slope Engineering Geological Disaster Research Centre. Researcher WANG Shuilin gives a report on Several Feasible Thoughts about Slope Stability Analysis; Researcher REN Weizhong makes a report with the title Current Work of Environmental Geology and Mechanics Group and its Future Development; Researcher ZHANG Yujun makes a report on Numerical Simulation of THMM Coupling Process by Fissure Openness and Stiffness Change Caused by Stress Corrosion and Pressure Solution; Researcher SHENG Qian make a report on the topic Study On Monitoring and Early-Warning System of Mountainous Area Subgrade Slope Geological Disaster; Doctor XIAO Guofeng reports on the work of Slope Engineering Group; Doctor LIU Zhenping reports on Research Progress of Slope Geological Disaster; conventioneers have specific discussions about key scientific problems of Slope Engineering.
Deputy Director SHENG Qian emphasizes that, according to the Innovation 2020 project and 135 Developing Plan, IRSM will integrate and adjust scientific research resource, further study slope engineering base on 973 and other major engineering research projects. The academic seminar attracts many young scientific research workers; the Research Centre will provide more opportunities to young researchers in the future.
At the end, Director ZHENG hong summarizes that the seminar is setting a good base for the operation of major projects. IRSM will accomplish 135 Developing Plan and tasks of Slope Engineering Research Centre.