Scattering of elastic wave by a partially sealed cylindrical shell embedded in poroelastic medium |
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Scattering of an elastic wave by a cylindrical shell embedded in poroelastic medium is investigated theoretically with the assumption that the shell material is also a porous elastic medium. The porous medium is modellized via Biot’s theory and the scattering by cylindrical shell is expressed by the definition of scattering matrix. The normal mode expansion technique is employed for analysing the scattering field, and the asymptotic solutions of displacements, stresses and pore pressure are derived. Two limiting casesscattering by a poroelastic cylinder in Biot medium and a elastic cylindrical shell in elastic medium are obtained from the general solutions. The dispersion curves of displacement amplitude at the interface of shell and medium is compared with the case of elastic shell. The scattering amplitude associated with the fast, slow and transverse waves are identified by numerical simulation. Furthermore, the influence of the poroelastic property of shell material on scattering amplitude is analysed.
© 2005-2008, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiaohongshan, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071, P. R. China
E-mail: irsm@whrsm.ac.cn |