Research related to Energy & Waste Underground Storage |
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Aim to solve the problem of Drillpipe Sticking and Casing Damage caused by salt rock creep, IRSM researchers’ solution were widely applied in Jianghan, Zhongyuan, Tarim and North tarim oilfield. Achievement related -The Investigation of Engineering Properties of Salt Rock and its Application in the Petroleum have received the second award of national science and technology progress in 2005.
Through systematic research on stability analysis of dissolved Cavity in Jintan Salt Mine, Zhejiang-the first salt caverns used for underground gas storage in China, IRSM researchers had provide important basis for its design and Construction. Meanwhile, IRSM also demonstrated the feasibility of building underground storage for petroleum and natural gas in Yunying salt mine, such work had been attracted great attention from both provincial and national development and reform commission.
By study the mechanism and process of mixture gas enhanced coalbed methane recovery, the N2 induced coal matrix shrinkage & permeability enhancement mechanism and mixture gas replace & dispel coalbed methane process have been revealed by IRSM researchers. Based on such work, IRSM brought forward the concept of mixture gas enhanced coalbed methane recovery, which is suitable to mineable coalbeds with low permeability in China. The field scale experiment carried out in Pingdingshan coal mine is the world’s first mixture gas enhanced coalbed methane recovery pilot experiment that carried out in laneway of coalmine underground. As a member of steering group, IRSM has engaged in the International cooperation Project DECOVALEX (Development of Coupled THM models and their Validation against Experiments) supported by several countries, achievements were obtained related to Mesomechanics behavior of geomaterials around HLW storage site, study and simulation of the T-H-M-C multi-field coupling behavior of the site, Optimization and stability analysis of underground cavern under static and dynamic conditions, Formation mechanism of EDZ (Excavation of disturbed zone) etc. Base on such research, IRSM had provided basic information for the design and further study in Beishan preselected area-the first preselected HLW storage site of China by taking Geological investigation, Experiment on physical and mechanical properties of rocks, In-situ Stress Measurement etc.Research related to Energy & Waste Underground Storage
© 2005-2008, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiaohongshan, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071, P. R. China
E-mail: irsm@whrsm.ac.cn |