Dec. 1st, thesis proposal defense is held in IRSM. This defense is for the united training students in 2015 which is co-cultivated by IRSM and Hubei University of Technology (HBUT), College of Civil and Environment. the Dean of College of Civil and Environment Prof. XIAO Benlin, Vice-Dean XIAO Henglin, Director of department of Geotechnical Engineering Prof. HU Qizhi, Prof. ZHUANG Xinshan and Prof. DENG Youxian, Director of IRSM, Researcher XUE Qiang, Vice-Director Researcher SHENG Qian and other tutors and students attend the defense.
During the meeting, SHENG Qian gives a welcome speech to thank the leadership of HBUT College of Civil and Environment for the coming , also thanks their high attention to this thesis proposal defense for united training students. United training students in 2015 is the first time that IRSM and HBUT carry out collaboration. It has initiative meaning for IRSM in various aspects, such as strengthen cooperation and exchange with universities, broaden the way of cultivating talents, improve the quality of talents, and so on. He also emphasizes IRSM will be serious and responsible to treat every student, to be a benchmark for the future united training.
Six united training students deliver the report for their thesis proposal, teachers give the review and suggestions.
After the defense, Director XUE Qiang has a conclusion. He points out that the defense not only shows the results for their learning, also reflects the guidance of every tutor. It consolidates the foundation for their later research learning and working, also has a great beginning for the united training program.