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IRSM Proposed Vector Sum of Slope Stability Analysis Method
2017-06-21                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

The stability of the slope is related to the construction of major projects and the smooth operation, while the landslide caused by instability of the slope is a common geological hazard which seriously threatens the safety of life and property. Therefore, the stability analysis of slope and dam foundation has been an important research field in geotechnical engineering. At present, the traditional stability analysis method of the slope is mainly focused on: 1) bar hypothesis, the convergence of the safety coefficient and search problems of sliding surface in the three-dimensional slope limit balance method, 2) whether the strength parameter in the strength discount method reduces at the same time.

Based on the force vector characteristics and stress state of the slope surface, IRSM CAS Member GE Xiurun and his research team create their new original method, that is slope vector sum. The results of classic examples show that this method has a good consistency with the standard answer and traditional method, which proves the rationality and reliability.

In recent days, this method has been widely used in major projects in our country, including the three gorges dam on the left bank, dam foundation stability analysis on the right bank and other important projects.

The research is financially supported by National Science Fund for Young Scholars (41302236), National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program (51674239) and Tibet Cluster Innovation Key Program Foundation.

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Xiaohongshan, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071, P. R. China
E-mail: irsm@whrsm.ac.cn