On May 15th, at the invitation of SKLGME, LU Ning, professor of department of civil and environmental engineering in Colorado School of Mines, delivered an academic report with the title A New Paradigm for Slope Stability Analysis under Variably Saturated Conditions. The meeting was hosted by researcher WEI Changfu, researcher KONG Lingwei attended the meeting.
Prof. LU Ning introduced using stress absorption to determine the effective stress of unsaturated soil slope, and combined with multiple field monitor data in USA, calculated the partial safety factor of slope. It presented a new and simple theoretical framework for slope instability caused by rainfall and unsaturated soil slope stability analysis.
Prof. LU Ning now is the member of The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the member of Geological Society of America (GSA), and awarded ASCE Norman Prize, Croes Prize, Ralph B. Peck Prize and Biot Prize. His research areas involve unsaturated soil, porous media multiphase flow, slope and landslide stability and other geotechnical engineering directions. Also he has written 2 monographs named Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Hillslope Hydrology and Stability, respectively.

Professor LU Ning