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IRSM Researchers hold Their Position in Three Gorges Project in Pakistan During the Spring Festival
2016-03-02                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

During the Spring Festival, when the whole country celebrates the lunar new year, Pakistan NEELUM-JHELUM hydropower project has entered a crucial stage. In order to ensure Pakistan N-J hydropower projects TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) successfully get through to the rock burst zone, a dozen of researchers which are from Researcher Feng Xiating's scientific research team, are led by Researcher Chen Bingrui, hold their position in Three Gorges Project in Pakistan to reduce the rock burst harm.

Pakistan N-J hydropower project, known as the Three Gorge Project in Pakistan. The project is located in the Himalayas, belongs to the typical structure of the high stress area, as the monitoring shows that the maximum main stress is as high as more than 100MPa, frequent occurrence of rock burst in TMB construction process, brings great harm to the staff and equipment. After 5.31 extreme rock burst, Researcher Feng Xiating's scientific research team was invited to carry out micro seismic monitoring and rock burst early warning of TBM construction tunnel. The research provides a great help in the prevention and control.

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