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Shenhua CCS 15th Coordination Committee (2014 Review Meeting) is held in Wuhan
2015-06-10                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

Feb 2nd to 3rd, Shenhua CCS 15th Coordination Committee (2014 Review Meeting) is held in Wuhan, and organized by IRSM. This meeting not only is review meeting for Shenhua CCS technology supporting project, but also a discussion for the future of CCS. It is an important point for Shenhua CCS, also an event for experts in different industries. There are more than 40 delegates attend the meeting.

The meeting starts from welcome words from IRSM Deputy Director SHENG Qian. Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical co., Ltd., Erdos Coal to Oil Branch, engineering CHEN Maoshan on behalf of Shenhua attend the meeting.

This meeting is coordination committee for Shenhua, meanwhile it is a meeting that gather most top technique and talents of CCS industry in China. This meeting focuses on technology supporting plan projects and National Energy Administration technology development projects' progress, achievement, highlights, budget enforcement, concluding report, experts have a discussion and give many effective suggestion; meanwhile, they also discuss about design plan, monitor plan for shut-in, pressure of carbon emission reduction in the whole world, and future development of CCS industry.

After the meeting, experts and scholars visit the laboratory, and have communication with the researchers.

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