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Doctoral Candidate from IRSM Having Academic Exchange Visit to Australia
2014-07-03                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

Doctoral candidate WEI Xiaochen from CO2 Geological Storage Group leaves to have a three-month academic exchange visit to University of Queensland on April 9. WEI will study on conceptual model and physical model of earthquake induced by underground fluid injection in the academic exchange visit. The exchange visit to University of Queensland is part of supervisor LI Qi's doctoral candidate overseas exchange plan. Doctoral candidate LIU Xuehao and LI Xiaying had three-month exchange to University of Adelaide and AIST in 2012 and 2013.

The effect of underground fluid injection to earthquake induction and cap rock integrity is a key scientific problem in CO2 geological storage process. The perfusion fluid includes industrial waste liquid, and mixture of CO2 and other gas. In the injection process, the coupling effect and interaction of gas and fault will increase potential risk of inducing earthquake. Under different initial conditions and boundary conditions, the injection will lead to stress and deformation redistribution of reservoirs and faults. By building conceptual model and physical model according to the phenomenon above, the research will compare field data to check the rationality and reliability of the prediction model.

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