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15th IACMAG Attains the Highest Funding of International Conference Program
2017-03-09                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

On Feb 13th, Bureau of International Co-operation Chinese Academy of Sciences published the funding results of 2017 international conference program. This funding supports 55 international conferences. The 15th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), which is held by IRSM and SKLGME, gets 250 thousand Yuan.

IACMAG is the most important international conference for international computer methods and advances in geomechanics, it holds every three years, has a very high influence in the industry. In the 14th conference in Japan, after delivering report, council consultation, debate and council vote, IRSM/SKLGME and SKLHSE-Tsinghua University won the right to host the 15th IACMAG.

The 15th IACMAG will be held in Hongshan Hotel, Wuhan, Hubei Province from Oct. 19th to 23rd, 2017. It has received more than 500 papers from all over the world, invites 30 domestic and foreign experts and scholars to have reports, sets up 6 report sessions. At the same time, this conference will open technical seminars, short-term training, exhibition, academic investigation, and issue honorary award for IACMAG. The conference offers a stage for strengthening the communication between domestic and international rock and soil mechanics and engineering, also it has an important significance for promoting Chinese rock and soil mechanics and engineering research and development, enhance our international reputation.


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