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Dr. ZHANG Ming from Geological Survey of Japan Visiting IRSM
2015-06-16                |  Print  |  Text Size: A A A  |   Close

On Jun 12th, Professor ZHANG Ming from Geological Survey of Japan, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), visits IRSM and delivers an academic report with the title Geo-Environmental Risk Research at GSJ/AIST: Topics, Facilities and Latest Achievements. Researcher LI Qi from IRSM hosts the report.

Dr. ZHANG begins with explaining the research frontiers of Geological Survey of Japan, including 3D geological map, marine resource exploitation, volcanic geothermal, etc. Then he introduces his research in the field of groundwater and soil pollution and repair for heavy metals, VOCs, highly automated test platform for radioactive waste pollution, and expounds its effects through remediation examples of some sites. Recently, his research team successfully developed adsorbent for heavy metal, arsenic pollution in soil, special bioremediation, rapid geological mapping for heavy metal pollution, participated in the development of the international ISO standards, also screened and controlled the radioactive sludge at the Japanese coast after the fukushima nuclear leak, and achieved good social effect. Participants have a discussion with Dr. ZHANG in several aspects: regional pollution testing, big data statistics and site remediation, rapid diagnostic technology and risk evaluation for the risk of geological environment, the advantages and disadvantages of various permeability test methods and equipment development, Japan's industrial pollution history and governance path, and its significance for China's environmental governance.

Dr. ZHANG Ming is the team leader of Geo-Environment Risk Research Group, Research Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment, Geological Survey of Japan, research fields include: 1) experiment of low permeable materials testing; 2) nuclear waste geological sequestration; 3) environmental modification of heavy metals and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) pollution; 4) environmental risk management and control. Dr. ZHANG published more than 100 papers in mine construction, geotechnical mechanics, hydrogeology, pollution and waste management, and other fields. He organized many times international conferences and seminars for energy, environment, disaster and waste management. He is also the guest editor of ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering and ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste.

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