From May 23rd to 24th, International Forum CO2 Geological Storage Geomechanics is held successfully in Wuhan. This forum is hosted by IRSM, co-organized by editorial department of Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Institute of New Energy and Low-carbon Technology (Sichuan University), The Key Laboratory of Coal-based CO2 Capture and Geological Storage, Jiangsu Province (China University of Mining and Technology). This forum is the first special topic forum in geological storage geomechanics field. There are more than 80 representatives which are from international and domestic colleges and universalities, research institutions and relative enterprises. The forum is hosted by IRSM Researcher LI Xiaochun.
In the 23rd morning, Professor Jonny Rutqvist (LBNL), Professor James Verdon (Bristol University) have the reports for fault activity induced earthquake and geologic deformation in CO2 geological storage. Professor Patrick Selvadurai (McGill University), Professor Keni Zhang (LBNL), and Professor YU Qiwen (National Cheng Kung University) have guest speakers for reservoir cap safety evaluation and reservoir injection performance evaluation.
In the afternoon, Researcher LI Xiaochun, Professor Bogdan Orlic (TNO,Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), Professor HOU Zhengmeng (Technische Universit?t Clausthal) have topic speakers for mechanical problems in the process of CCS project research in China, Netherlands and Germany. Other 6 experts which from well-known colleges and universalities introduce their research results for CO2 geological storage geomechanics.
In the 24th morning, IRSM Researcher LI Qi has a speech for fault activity evaluation by numerical simulation. After the speech, they have special discussion for reservoir mechanics challenges in the aspects of modeling methods, scale up, parameter selection and monitoring effectiveness. Professor HOU Zhengmeng, Professor Jonny Rutqvist, Professor LI Xiaochun and total 9 experts have the discussion, they exchange their views and opinions for future research direction and international cooperation opportunities.
In the afternoon, there are 14 experts and scholars introduce their research results for CO2 geological storage geomechanics.

Researcher LI Xiaochun's report


Representatives Grouping Photo